Pristina – Cultural and Historical Tour One Day (combined)

Pristina (and its monuments outside the city) – City center walk, University Campus, National Library, National Gallery, Mother Teresa Cathedral, Newborn Monument, Monument of Heroines, Mother Teresa Boulevard – Statue of Skanderbeg (National Albanian Hero), Statue of Ibrahim Rugova (Historical President of Kosovo), Monument of brotherhood; Prishtina old part of the city – Museum of Kosova, Bazaar, Stone Mosque, Jashar Pasha Mosque, Clock Tower, Sulltan Mehmet Fatih – Big Mosque, Hamam (Public bath from Ottoman Empire), Ethnological Museum of Kosova. Outside of Prishtina city – Sultan Murat Tomb (oldest ottoman building in Kosovo), Monument of Battle of Kosovo of 1389; tour continues with Gracanica – visit to Gracanica Orthodox Monastery (UNESCO site), Ulpiana Ancient City (archeological park) Marble Cave in Gadime, Lipjan, and visit to Bear Sanctuary Park to see about 20 brown bears.

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