Kosovo Tour One Day (combined)

The combined tour of Kosovo will provide you with a rich experience of the Kosovo history (past and recent), religious and historical monuments, traditions, and beautiful landscapes on the way. Start the day with Pristina old city and then new city center: Visit to the Ethnological Museum in Prishtina, Sulltan Mehmet Fatih Mosque, Bazaar, NewBorn Monument, National Library; Sultan Murat Tomb; Tour continues with visit to Gracanica: Graçanica Orthodox Monastery (UNESCO site), and Ancient City of Ulpiana; The tour concludes with a visit Prizren City: walking tour of old part of the town, the old stone Bridge, Sinan Pasha Mosque, Shadervan, Catholic Cathedral, Prizren Castle, Orthodox Monastery of Lady Levis (UNESCO site), visit to couple traditional handicraft – filigree shops in town.

Pristina – Cultural and Historical Tour One Day (combined)

Pristina (and its monuments outside the city) – City center walk, University Campus, National Library, National Gallery, Mother Teresa Cathedral, Newborn Monument, Monument of Heroines, Mother Teresa Boulevard – Statue of Skanderbeg (National Albanian Hero), Statue of Ibrahim Rugova (Historical President of Kosovo), Monument of brotherhood; Prishtina old part of the city – Museum of Kosova, Bazaar, Stone Mosque, Jashar Pasha Mosque, Clock Tower, Sulltan Mehmet Fatih – Big Mosque, Hamam (Public bath from Ottoman Empire), Ethnological Museum of Kosova. Outside of Prishtina city – Sultan Murat Tomb (oldest ottoman building in Kosovo), Monument of Battle of Kosovo of 1389; tour continues with Gracanica – visit to Gracanica Orthodox Monastery (UNESCO site), Ulpiana Ancient City (archeological park) Marble Cave in Gadime, Lipjan, and visit to Bear Sanctuary Park to see about 20 brown bears.

Prishtina Tour (One Day)

Prishtina is capital of Kosovo with 350-400 000 inhabitants, and also a University City with over 50 000 students from throughout the country. Pristina is a political, economic, cultural, and diplomatic center of Kosovo. It is very dynamic city, with bright and positive youth, with many cultural, arts, urban and sport events held in the town through the year. Prishtina walking tour includes: walking in the old part of the city – Museum of Kosova, Bazaar, Stone Mosque, Jashar Pasha Mosque, Clock Tower, Sultan Mehmet Fatih – Big Mosque, Hamam (Turkish public bath), Ethnological Museum of Kosova, Mother Tereza Boulevard, Statue of Ibrahim Rugova (Historical Symbolof Independence), Statue of Skanderbeg, Monument of brotherhood, Newborn Monument, Monument of Heroines, Mother Teresa Cathedral, University Campus, National Library, National Gallery of Kosova, Germia Park (national park).

Prizren Tour (One Day)  

Prizren, situated in the south of Kosovo, is a beautiful and one of the oldest towns in Kosovo, known for its ancient history, the rich cultural and religious heritage, traditional handicraft shops, variety of festivals, film, music, art etc. It is the most multiethnic, multi religious and multicultural city of Kosovo. Prizren walking tour includes: Visit to the old part of the town – Shadervan, Stone Bridge (dating from 16 century), Sinan Pasha Mosque, Catholic Cathedral, Orthodox Monastery – Lady of Levis, Hamam (Turkish public bath), Albanian League of Prizren (the most famous and visited historical museum), Archaeological Museum, Castle of Prizren, and Workshop of Silversmith Filigree – handicrafts. Also, if you are a short film fan and want to enjoy an exclusive cinematic experience, you should visit Prizren in August, for a week long- international short film festival happening throughout the town.

Peja Tour with Rugova valley and Drinsprings (One Day) 

Peja is situated in the west of Kosovo, well known for the surrounding Rugova Mountains, Rugova Gorge and waterfalls, beautiful landscapes, the old part of the city, orthodox heritage/monuments, epic old songs played by Lute, great water, good beers, and beautiful women. Peja walking tour includes: Regional Museum, Bazaar, Mosques, Kulla– traditional stone houses, Patriarchate of Peja (UNESCO site), beautiful Rugova valley and breathtaking Rugova gorge, river Drinisprings and the cave in Radavc (named The Sleeping Beauty).

UNESCO Sites Tour (One Day)

UNESCO sites reflect the Byzantine-Romanesque ecclesiastical culture, with its distinct style of wall painting, which developed in the Balkans between the 13th and 17th centuries. The tour includes the visit to: Ģracanica Orthodox Monastery XIV, Patriarchate of Peja Monastery XIII, Deçani Orthodox Monastery XIV, Prizren Orthodox Monastery (Lady of Levish) XIV.

Recent History of Kosovo and Mitrovica Tour One Day (combined)

Let’s discover story of recent history of Kosovo. Tour start with a visit of Monument of Battle of Kosovo of 1389 in Gazimestan and visit of Sulltan Murat Tomb Museum, where we get first information of Kosovo history. After these visits we continue a tour to Mitrovica, where we have city walking tour in the south and north of the city, Ibri river Bridge, Museum of Mitrovica, Museum of Crystals, City Mosque and in the end we visit Prekaz village – complex of Kosovo war memorial of 1998-1999. Mitrovica, situated in the North of Kosovo, is the town that was badly affected by the 1999 Kosovo War. Following several ethnic tensions, in 2013, the city is officially divided in Mitrovica South (with Kosovo Albanian Majority) and North (with Kosovo Serbian majority), separated by river Ibri (Ibar), becoming a symbol of Kosovo’s ethnic divisions – but yet, an interesting place to visit and see. The city is famous for its mine called Trepça, rich in lead, zinc, silver, gold, crystals etc, which has historically been one of Kosovo largest industries. It is the only city in Kosovo that has four rivers: Ibri, Sitnica, Lushta and Trepça. Traces of the city dates back to the Neolithic time, as many exhibit archeological exhibit pieces were found in archeological sites. It’s a city of rock music, great artists, actors, and sports.

Gjakova and Deçani  Tour (One Day)

Gjakova is situated in the southwest of Kosovo, known for its oldest Grand Bazaar in Kosovo, founded in XVI century, and its famous old part of the town, laid in cabled stones. Gjakova has historically been known for its religious harmony, its traditional handicrafts such as ‘Plis’ the – national Albanian hat, wood-carving, silversmith, traditional textile. Many intellectuals of different culture, education, politics, arts and sport academics come from Gjakova. Gjakova walking tour includes: the old part of the Gjakova, Grand Bazaar, Hadum Mosque, Teke of Bektashi, Catholic Church, Traditional Handicraft shops, old historical bridges, Çabrati hill from where you can get beautiful view of the whole Gjakova, and visit to Mirusha waterfalls. The tour continues with the town of Deçani, where you will see its traditional stone houses called Kulla’s (describing the Albanian traditional lifestyle), the Orthodox Monastery (UNESCO site), beautiful landscapes of the mountains, Isniq village, Drenoc village, where you will get a chance to taste the natural Kosovo traditional food.

Hiking in Rugova Mountains (One Day)

This tour includes hiking in the Rugova valley: Kuqishta and Boga villages, where you experience beautiful and breathtaking mountains, nature and great landscape.

Village & Food Tasting Tour (One Day)

This tour includes visit to three touristic villages in Deçani Municipality, where you will get to see from close the village lifestyle in the traditional stone houses (Kullas). There you will be able to see and taste typical Kosovo tradition food, such as Flia, pies, and corn meals, homemade honey and cheeses complimented with dairy product specialties, mixed meat dishes and vegetables. As with other Balkan country cuisines, the long presence of the Ottoman Imperia in the region has also influenced the Kosovo traditional cuisine. Tour includes a visit to Isniq village, Drenoc village and Junik where you will be able to see from close the making of some of the traditional foods, and taste a variety of those.

Wine tasting Tour (One Day)

Rahovec is the center of wine production in Kosovo. Artifacts in the town of Rahovec trace the wine making in this region back to several thousand years, at least 2000. All vineyards of this area lie in hilly terrain at an altitude of 340 to 600 meters. The average 270 days of sunshine each year make Rahovec an ideal spot to produce fine wine. A wine festival takes place in Rahovec annually every September; dates vary each year. The tour includes visit to three wineries in Rahovec: Stone Castle (huge winery the biggest one in the region), Bodrumi i vjeter – old Seller (a winery run by Hoxhijaha family), and one winery in Velika Hoca (local wine produced by a small family).

Mitrovica and Vushtrri Tour (One Day)  

Mitrovica, situated in the North of Kosovo, is the town that was badly affected by the 1999 Kosovo War. Following several ethnic tensions, in 2013, the city is officially divided in Mitrovica South (with Kosovo Albanian Majority) and North (with Kosovo Serbian majority), separated by river Ibri (Ibar), becoming a symbol of Kosovo’s ethnic divisions – but yet, an interesting place to visit and see. The city is famous for its mine called Trepça, rich in lead, zinc, silver, gold, crystals etc, which has historically been one of Kosovo largest industries. It is the only city in Kosovo that has four rivers: Ibri, Sitnica, Lushta and Trepça. Traces of the city dates back to the Neolithic time, as many exhibit archeological exhibit pieces were found in archeological sites. It’s a city of rock music, great artists, actors, and sportsmen. Vushtrri is the city between Prishtina and Mitrovica. It’s the oldest city in Kosovo, inhabited since the time of Illyrian Empire 4th century BC, known for its cultural and historic monuments traditional houses, and the dominant agriculture. Mitrovica and Vushtrri walking tour includes: Ibririver Bridge, Museum of Mitrovica, Museum of Crystals, Kulla of Isa Boletini, Sokolica Orthodox Monastery, Vushtrri city walk (City Castle,Stone Bridge, Hamam/Turkish public bath).

Arts & Crafts Tour (One Day)

Silver workers are among the most famous masters mentioned even in the Ottoman resources of the 16th century. The art objects made with filigree technique (using silver, gold, copper, amber and valuable stones) are worth seeing from close. The sewers, using one needle, with large and twisted threads with red, blue, yellow or black cloth, they sewed forms of flowers, sheets of traditional motives, making gold and silver vest, doublet, long dresses, yellow vests, wavy vests, man’s overcoat and trousers, will give you a fascinating experience on your visit. The tour includes visit to the: Filigree – silversmith makers, Pottery makers, Carpentry makers, Albanian national hat – Plis (an interesting process of making the Plis is introduced), Textile handicraft makers/sewers visit.

Museums Tour (One Day)

This tour includes the visit to the main historical and traditional monuments of Kosovo, such as: Museum of Kosova, Ethnological Museum in Prishtina, and Museum of Crystals in Mitrovica, Regional Museum of Peja, Regional Museum of Gjakova, Museum of Albanian League of Prizren and Archeological Museum in Prizren.